French Season
I am reposting last summer's post about ze French in Tel Aviv, just coz it's that time of the year again...
It's official, the French season has started. The French can be seen around the Frishman area... Every August, it's the same story: they come in herds, and invade Tel Aviv hotels, cafes, beaches, falafel stands, and mega-bars... the only language you can hear around here is French. I am actually surprised whenever I hear some hebrew...
You can spot them from 1 km away. I don't really like to be associated with them, just because I like to be different. The other day, the waitress from the beach cafe came to me and asked me, in french, if I wanted to order anything. A little bit offended, I answered in hebrew... and later asked my Israeli friend "Do I look *that* French?" to which she replied: "Honey, you're *screaming* French!" Hmmm... Ok, I didn't realize that. I thought I was one of those original, educated, sensitive, discreet, reserved, polite French, but apparently it doesn't matter. If you're French, you're French. There's nothing you can do about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm really proud to be French! How classy is it to have been born in Paris? I'm so proud to come from the country of croissant and wine, of Edith Piaf and Serge Gainsbourg, of Dior and Chanel, of Emile Zola and Victor Hugo, of romanticism and french kisses, of Montmartre and the Moulin Rouge... The country of good living and good taste. But when you see the typical summer French in Tel Aviv, you tend to forget where they come from.
Hi Miss Worldwide,
I'm French too, living in L.A., and visiting (working actually in) Paris right now.
I don't even know how I stumbled on your blog but I just love it.
To the point: I was born in Paris too, and I know exactly how you feel about nos compatriotes, whether in Tel-Aviv, Soho or South Beach. You brought a real smile on my face, and if only temporarily made me forget my headache :-)
Also, I loved your posts about El Al In-flight Entertainment (have you ever flown with Enrico Macias?), and Shakhar :-)
Dear Balisani,
Thanks so much for your comment, it means so much to me that you're enjoying my blog, and made me forget about my own headache!
Actually, I did fly with Enrico Macias!!! And it was on El Al! Have you? I think a lot of people have!!! I wrote a post about it long time ago but I somehow deleted it, I should put it back on though...
Have a great day and thanks again!
Ha. Replace French with American, and I would say the same thing about myself... But so it goes.
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