Wednesday, 2 January 2008


The other day I had the most depressing thought ever: there are actually many countries in this world that I will probably never see! Depressing, huh? For example, Antarctica. What are the chances that I will ever visit Antarctica? I would love to, though! What about Tajikistan? And the Chinese province of Heilongjiang? Probably never. Vanuatu? Easter Island? Greenland? Doubt it. Nunavut anyone? It is a Canadian province, after all! Nebraska? South Dakota? Don't think so...

So what could I do about this problem? I mean, life is too short! I could either resign myself to never go, or I could concentrate on visiting only this type of unpopular places for the rest of my life. Forget India and Bolivia, forget Prague and Istanbul, forget Thailand and New Zealand, and hello Arkansas, Papua New Guinea, Vladivostok, Kyrgystan, and Svalbard!

Wanna join, anyone?


Jack Steiner said...

I know several people who have gone on cruises of Antarctica.

Miss Worldwide said...

oh really? I'll look into it then... it's probably really expensive though!

We're the ones who have to put up with them said...

I vote for South Dakota for sure. It is (seriously!) one of my favorite places on earth.

There's definitely something to be said for the undiscovered....

Benji Lovitt said...

I can't believe Nebraska made the cut. They should give you a key to the state.

Anonymous said...

On the upside you would be reducing your carbon footprint by not travelling to these places. Plus you could spend your time visiting less obvious destinations which are closer to home. I've only just started to discover the UK and for instance London is completeley unrepresentative of everthing English. Maybe next time youre in England you could visit Devon, Cornwall, the Peak District, Scotland... and likewise in the US you could try somewhere other than the big cities.

Miss Worldwide said...

Miz Ellie,

I'd love to go to South Dakota! If you say it's good, then I believe you!


Nebraska made the cut of places I'll probably never see... not places that I'm dying to see! But I don't know, have you been to Nebraska? It might be cool! At least, it's original!


Aaaah maaan... forgot about the stupid carbon footprint... you're absolutely right. The problem with living in Israel is that apart from Egypt and Jordan, and tiny Israel itself, there's not much you can see without hopping on a plane... Maybe one day we'll be able to drive to Beirut, Damas or Baghdad... Doubt it though.

Anonymous said...

I totally know what you mean. Lately I have been thinking of the weird little places as opposed to the big, obvious ones. I think I am over India and China. Then again, it might be a phase and it will hit me once again.